Cadmium University
Module 2 - Getting Started with Exhibitor Harvester

Module 2 - Getting Started with Exhibitor Harvester

Welcome to the Getting Started with Exhibitor Harvester Module 2.  The videos in this module will:

  • Explain the Exhibitor Harvester Functionality
  • Review the Exhibitor Harvester Missions and Mission checkpoints
  • Demonstrate how to Navigate the Exhibitor Harvester Dashboard


Module 2 - Tutorials
Exhibitor Harvester Missions
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes This video will review the Missions in the Exhibitor Harvester.
Exhibitor Harvester Navigation
Open to view video.  |  7 minutes
Open to view video.  |  7 minutes This video will review the resources available in the Exhibitor Harvester and how to effectively navigate the Exhibitor Harvester Dashboard.
Exhibitor Harvester Settings Page
Open to view video.  |  5 minutes
Open to view video.  |  5 minutes This video will review the various features and functionality that are managed from the Settings Page.
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