Welcome to the Scorecard On-Demand Training Course, Module 3 - Settings Page. The videos in this module will review some of the key features of the Settings page.
At the end of this module you will be able to:
- Customize your Scorecard.
- Utilize timesaving tools.
- Navigate the various Settings tabs.
Settings Page: Tools Button
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
Tools are handy options that allow you to work more efficiently. We have different types of tools on various pages here in the Scorecard. This video is about the tools we have available to you in the Settings page. We’ll show you how to access the tools, and review the various options you have in the Tools dropdown.
Settings Page: Appearance tab
Open to view video. | 3 minutes
Open to view video. | 3 minutes
This video will show you how to update your banner, and customize the various color options using the color picker tool to match your branding.
Settings Page: Date tab
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
Dates are very important to your Submission and Review process. It's vital that you keep the various milestones up-to-date, not only for your submitters and reviewers, but also for the project team. This video is about the various date settings we have available for you.
Settings Page: General tab
Open to view video. | 6 minutes
Open to view video. | 6 minutes
This video will review the options you have available in the sub-tabs of the General tab in the Scorecard Settings page. Here you can confirm your Event Details are up-to-date, update the contact information that your Submitters will see, and how to properly use Custom Fields.
Settings Page: Users tab
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
Open to view video. | 7 minutes
This video will review the options in the Users tab of the Scorecard Settings page including; the various labeling options you have, Profile field preferences, and how to lock the Scorecard if needed.
Settings Page: Submission Site tab
Open to view video. | 9 minutes
Open to view video. | 9 minutes
This video will review the options in the Submission Site tab of the Scorecard Settings page. You'll learn how to update and customize your Login page, where to update the Landing Page, and how to set restrictions such as word or character counts, or even the maximum number of Submission a submitter is allowed to add.
Settings Page: Communications tab
Open to view video. | 4 minutes
Open to view video. | 4 minutes
This video will review the more General options in the Communications tab of the Scorecard Settings page, including whether or not to turn on automatic emails, and the various options you have for automatic emails.