Cadmium University
Module 5 - Check-in Kiosk Setup and Configuration

Module 5 - Check-in Kiosk Setup and Configuration

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Welcome to the Check-in Kiosk Setup and Configuration module. The videos in this module will explain how to:

  • set up the printers which will be used to print the on-demand badges,
  • add the Cadmium Check-in App to the check-in device,
  • connect the printer to the Cadmium Check-in App,
  • add and activate the check-in kiosk in Eventscribe Onsite, and
  • perform a print validation to ensure the badge print quality is correct.


Check-in Kiosk Setup and Configuration
Introduction to Check-in Kiosks
Open to view video.  |  1 minute
Open to view video.  |  1 minute This video introduces the concepts presented in this module including how to set-up printers, how to add the Cadmium Check-in App to the check-in device and how to connect the printer to the app, how to add and activate the check-in kiosk in Cadmium Onsite, and how to perform a print validation to ensure the badge print quality is correct.
Set Up and Configure Printer
Open to view video.  |  5 minutes
Open to view video.  |  5 minutes This video examines the key parts of the badge printer​, how to set-up the printer, how to load badge stock, and​ how to adjust the printer settings.
Check-in Kiosk Activation
Open to view video.  |  6 minutes
Open to view video.  |  6 minutes This video guides you through the steps necessary to add and activate the check-in kiosks in Eventscribe Onsite.