Cadmium University
Module 9 - Scorecard Communications Page

Module 9 - Scorecard Communications Page

Welcome to the Scorecard On-Demand Training Course, Module 9 - Scorecard Communications Page.  The Communications page in the Scorecard is where you can construct and send emails.  The videos in this module will review:

  • How to create an email
  • How to set Custom Distribution Lists
  • How to use Hotkeys


Module 9 - Introduction to Scorecard Communications Page
Module 9 - Introduction & Overview to Scorecard Communications Page
Open to view video.  |  2 minutes
Open to view video.  |  2 minutes This video will provide an overview for Module 9 - Scorecard Communications Page, including key terminology to know.
Module 9 Tutorials
Communication Page 5-step Guide
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes This video will walk you through the use of the 5-step guide you will use to create your emails. You will learn about the predefined distribution groups to target recipients, you will learn about scheduling your emails, using hotkeys to dynamically pull data into your emails, and how you can make a draft email into a templated email.
Communication Page Advanced Distribution List & Custom Distribution
Open to view video.  |  7 minutes
Open to view video.  |  7 minutes This video is on the advanced distribution list in your communications page as well as utilizing custom distributions from other pages in the Scorecard.
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Learning Activity
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Knowledge Check
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  4/5 points to pass Please click the "Take Quiz" button.